Optima Kropyvnytskyi

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Optima Kropyvnytskyi

Contacts hotel Optima Kropyvnytskyi

Optima Kropyvnytskyi
1-d Viacheslava Chornovola street, Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad region, Ukraine, 25006
+38 0522 30 50 90,
+38 067 219 51 06
48.518215, 32.273506
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Dear guests! Optima Kropyvnytskyi operate with enhanced security measures! If you have any additional questions you may also contact our central reservations office by phone: +38 (067) 570 65 49 or e-mail: reservation.hg@optimahotels.com.ua

Room price includes accommodation of your choice, buffet breakfast, Wi-Fi, 2 parking ( one of them spaces 300 m from the hotel and another one, paid, 80 UAH / day by prior reservation), and taxes (except for tourist tax). From April 1, 2019, depending on the price of a hotel room, the local council established a tourist tax rate of 0,1%, 0,25%, or 0,5% for residents (domestic tourism) and 1% for non-residents (inbound tourism) the minimum wage, established by law for January 1 of the reporting year for one person for each day of temporary accommodation of a person at the hotel.

Children up to 5 years are allowed to stay with their parents for free, with no extra beds provided.

The cost of acommodation of children over 5 years old and adults on an extra bed is 450 UAH (including breakfast), 350 UAH (without breakfast).